
  • CDU00830M02570A01 iz konceptnog mikrovalna pećnica je višestruki kombinator sa pasivnim trakom od 830-867MHz / 875-915MHz / 1705-1985MHz / 2495-2570MHz.

    It has an insertion loss of less than 1.0dB and an rejection of more than 30dB. The combiner can handle up to 50W of power. It is available in a module that measures 215x140x34mm .This RF Multi-band combiner design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender . Ostala konfiguracija, poput različitih prolaznih pojasa i različiti konektor dostupni su pod različitim brojevima modela.

    Multiband kombinersi pružaju cijepanje niskog gubitka (ili kombinirajući) od 3,4,5 do 10 zasebnih frekvencijskih opsega. Oni pružaju visoku izolaciju između bendova i proizvode neke odbacivanje benda. Multiband Combiner je višestruki selektivni uređaj koji se koristi za kombiniranje / odvajanje različitih frekvencijskih opsega.

  • The CDU00880M01880A01 from Concept Microwave is a Cavity Duplexer with passbands from 925-960MHz&1805-1880MHz at DL port and 880-915MHz&1710-1785MHz at UL port. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.5dB and an isolation of more than 65 dB. Duplekser može podnijeti do 20 W snage. It is available in a module that measures 155x110x25.5mm. This RF cavity duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Ostala konfiguracija, poput različitih prolaznih pojasa i različiti konektor dostupni su pod različitim brojevima modela.

  • 824MHZ-849MHz / 869MHz-894MHz GSM Capty Duplexer

    824MHZ-849MHz / 869MHz-894MHz GSM Capty Duplexer

    The CDU00836M00881A01 from Concept Microwave is a Cavity Duplexer with passbands from 824-849MHz and 869-894MHz. It has an insertion loss of less than 1 dB and an isolation of more than 70 dB. Duplekser može podnijeti do 20 W snage. It is available in a module that measures 128x118x38mm. This RF cavity duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Ostala konfiguracija, poput različitih prolaznih pojasa i različiti konektor dostupni su pod različitim brojevima modela.

  • 66MHZ-180MHz / 400MHz-520MHZ LC VHF Combiner

    66MHZ-180MHz / 400MHz-520MHZ LC VHF Combiner

    CDU00066M00520M40N iz konceptnog mikrovalna pećnica je LC kombinator sa pasivnim trakom od 66-180MHz i 400-520MHz.

    It has an insertion loss of less than 1.0dB and an rejection of more than 40dB. The combiner can handle up to 50W of power. It is available in a module that measures 60mm x 48mm x 22mm. This RF Multi-band combiner design is built with N connectors that are female gender. Ostala konfiguracija, poput različitih prolaznih pojasa i različiti konektor dostupni su pod različitim brojevima modela.

    Multiband kombinersi pružaju cijepanje niskog gubitka (ili kombinirajući) od 3,4,5 do 10 zasebnih frekvencijskih opsega. Oni pružaju visoku izolaciju između bendova i proizvode neke odbacivanje benda. Multiband Combiner je višestruki selektivni uređaj koji se koristi za kombiniranje / odvajanje različitih frekvencijskih opsega.

  • 410MHZ-417MHz / 420MHz-427MHZ uhf šupljina dupleksera

    410MHZ-417MHz / 420MHz-427MHZ uhf šupljina dupleksera

    The CDU00410M00427M80S from Concept Microwave is a Cavity Duplexer with passbands from 410-417MHz at low band port and 420-427MHz at high band port. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.7dB and an isolation of more than 80 dB. The duplexer can handle up to 100 W of power. It is available in a module that measures 210x210x69mm. This RF cavity duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Ostala konfiguracija, poput različitih prolaznih pojasa i različiti konektor dostupni su pod različitim brojevima modela.

  • 399MHz-401MHz / 432MHz-434MHz / 900MHz-2100MHz trostruki šupljini

    399MHz-401MHz / 432MHz-434MHz / 900MHz-2100MHz trostruki šupljini

    The CBC00400M01500A03 from Concept Microwave is a Cavity triplexer/triple-band combiner with passbands from 399~401MHz/ 432~434MHz/900-2100MHz. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.0dB and an isolation of more than 80 dB. The duplexer can handle up to 50 W of power. It is available in a module that measures 148.0×95.0×62.0mm. This RF cavity duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Ostala konfiguracija, poput različitih prolaznih pojasa i različiti konektor dostupni su pod različitim brojevima modela.

    Koncept nudi najbolju tripleleksekle filtre u šupljini u industriji, naša trostruka filtera za šupljine široko korišteni u bežičnom, radaru, javnoj sigurnosti, DAS-u

  • 8600MHz-8800MHz / 12200MHz-17000MHz microstrip duplekser

    8600MHz-8800MHz / 12200MHz-17000MHz microstrip duplekser

    The CDU08700M14600A01 from Concept Microwave is a microstrip Duplexer with passbands from 8600-8800MHz and 12200-17000MHz. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.0dB and an isolation of more than 50 dB. The duplexer can handle up to 30 W of power. It is available in a module that measures 55x55x10mm. This RF microstrip duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Ostala konfiguracija, poput različitih prolaznih pojasa i različiti konektor dostupni su pod različitim brojevima modela.

  • The CDU00933M00942A01 from Concept Microwave is a Cavity Duplexer with passbands from 932.775-934.775MHz at low band port and 941.775-943.775MHz at high band port. It has an insertion loss of less than 2.5dB and an isolation of more than 80 dB. The duplexer can handle up to 50 W of power. It is available in a module that measures 220.0×185.0×30.0mm. This RF cavity duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Ostala konfiguracija, poput različitih prolaznih pojasa i različiti konektor dostupni su pod različitim brojevima modela.

  • 14.4GHz-14.92GHz / 15.15GHz-15.35GHz Ku Band Castly Duplexer

    14.4GHz-14.92GHz / 15.15GHz-15.35GHz Ku Band Castly Duplexer

    The CDU14660M15250A02 from Concept Microwave is a RF Cavity Duplexer with passbands from 14.4GHz~14.92GHz at low band port and 15.15GHz~15.35GHz at high band port. It has an insertion loss of less than 3.5dB and an isolation of more than 50 dB. The duplexer can handle up to 10 W of power. It is available in a module that measures 70.0×24.6×19.0mm. This RF cavity duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Ostala konfiguracija, poput različitih prolaznih pojasa i različiti konektor dostupni su pod različitim brojevima modela.

  • The CDU00950M01350A01 from Concept Microwave is a microstrip Duplexer with passbands from 0.8-2800MHz and 3500-6000MHz. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.6dB and an isolation of more than 50 dB. Duplekser može podnijeti do 20 W snage. It is available in a module that measures 85x52x10mm .This RF microstrip duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender . Other configuration, such as different passband and different connector are available under different model numbers

  • 0,8MHz-950MHz / 1350MHz-2850MHz MicroStrip duplekser

    0,8MHz-950MHz / 1350MHz-2850MHz MicroStrip duplekser

    The CDU00950M01350A01 from Concept Microwave is a microstrip Duplexer with passbands from 0.8-950MHz and 1350-2850MHz. It has an insertion loss of less than 1.3 dB and an isolation of more than 60 dB. Duplekser može podnijeti do 20 W snage. It is available in a module that measures 95×54.5x10mm. This RF microstrip duplexer design is built with SMA connectors that are female gender. Ostala konfiguracija, poput različitih prolaznih pojasa i različiti konektor dostupni su pod različitim brojevima modela.

  • Duplekser/Multiplekser/Kombiner





    2. Nizak gubitak umetanja traci i veliko odbacivanje

    3. SSS, šupljina, LC, spiralne strukture su dostupne u skladu s različitim aplikacijama

    4. Prilagođeni duplekser, triplexer, četverostruki blok, multiplekser i kombinator i kombinator su dostupni